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1) The Check-out time is 12 noon. After the grace time of 1 hour, automatically, the bill will be raised for the second day.
2) All services including Swimming Pool/Club House are operated between 6.00 AM to 10.00 PM
3) Valid ID proof shall be shown to the front office executive. In case of group booking one ID proof is enough but the person who is providing the ID proof is responsible for all the people coming with him/her
4) The Guest is not permitted to use nor possess any form of narcotics inside the campus. In case of any suspicion, guest may allow the security personnel to physically frisk them. The guest will be evicted from the campus in case if he/she is found to carry any narcotics in any form
5) The guest shall not carry or possess explosives of any nature
6) The guest shall not consume liquor in any place other than inside his/her own Villa/room.
7) Proper dress code necessary for all for using the swimming pool
8) The guest shall not venture into swimming pool in intoxicated/inebrieated state. If he/she violates, the same is on her own risk and challenge and the management is not responsible in any way for the consequences
9) Guests are advised to move around or play in the lawn with utmost care and caution to avoid any insect or reptile’s bite. Guests must also understand that their and their companion safety is entirely on them and shall support the management in all their initiatives to make the campus, more safer
10) The guest is advised not to play any games after consuming liquor or in an inebrieated stage. If he/she chose to play, he/she will be solely responsible for the consequences
11) The guest shall not to sit on the parapet anywhere inside the campus
12) The guest shall keep the campus clean and shall not litter
13) The guest are requested to conserve water
14) The guest shall not create nuisance by turning the electronic gadgets in high volume creating inconvenience to the other inmates
15) The guest shall keep the rooms and wash rooms very clean. In case of abuse of any of the facilities, penalty as per the damage / abuse will be imposed on the guest
16) The towels are to be used with Hygiene in mind. The towels cannot be abused nor can be taken with the guests. If the towel is found to be soiled because of abuse, the cost of the new towel will be charged from the guest.
17) If there is vomiting in the room or rest room or on the bed, penalty of Rs.1000 will be charged for cleaning, washing etc
18) If towel is misplaced, penalty of Rs. 500 will be charged
19) Bonfire shall be performed strictly at the designated place only
20) DJ/sound system to be used only with prior permission